Running PcapPlusPlus Tests

PcapPlusPlus source code contains a set of test-cases you can run to make sure everything works correctly on your system.

These test-cases are divided into three separate projects:

  • [PCAPPPLUSPLUS_HOME]/Tests/Packet++Test - contains test-cases for the Packet++ library
  • [PCAPPPLUSPLUS_HOME]/Tests/Pcap++Test - contains test-cases (mostly) for the Pcap++ library
  • [PCAPPPLUSPLUS_HOME]/Tests/ExamplesTest - contains test-cases for PcapPlusPlus examples

When you build PcapPlusPlus these projects are also built. The following sections contain information on how to run the test-cases:

  1. Packet++Test
    1. Some more technical details
  2. Pcap++Test
    1. Some more technical details
  3. ExamplesTest
    1. Requirements
    2. Setup
    3. Running the tests


This project contains test-cases that mostly test the Packet++ library, meaning testing the functionality of parsing and crafting packets of different protocols.

After a successful build you can run these test-cases by following these simple steps:

  • Go to Packet++Test directory:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus$ cd Tests/Packet++Test/
  • Run the tests from this directory. The executable is inside the Bin directory:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/Packet++Test$ Bin/Packet++Test 
    PcapPlusPlus version: v21.05 (official release)
    Built: MMM DD YYYY 02:36:16
    Built from: Git branch 'master', commit '8b2d721fdaaa6af516494d96f032e10264d7bf56'
    Start running tests...
    EthPacketCreation             : PASSED
    EthPacketPointerCreation      : PASSED
    EthAndArpPacketParsing        : PASSED
    ArpPacketCreation             : PASSED
    VlanParseAndCreation          : PASSED
    Ipv4PacketCreation            : PASSED
    Test cases: 92, Passed: 92, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0
  • Hopefully if all tests pass you’ll see a message at the end saying ALL TESTS PASSED!! and the number of test-cases that passed, skipped or failed. You’ll also see next to each test-case whether it has passed or failed.

  • If a test-case failed you’ll see an appropriate assert message explaining what caused the failure, for example:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/Packet++Test$ Bin/Packet++Test 
    PcapPlusPlus version: v21.05 (official release)
    Built: MMM DD YYYY 02:44:35
    Built from: Git branch 'master', commit '8b2d721fdaaa6af516494d96f032e10264d7bf56'
    Start running tests...
    EthPacketCreation             : PASSED
    EthPacketPointerCreation      : PASSED
    EthAndArpPacketParsing        : PASSED
    ArpPacketCreation             : FAILED (line: 245). assert equal failed: actual: 42 != expected: 43
    VlanParseAndCreation          : PASSED
    Ipv4PacketCreation            : PASSED
    Test cases: 92, Passed: 91, Failed: 1, Skipped: 0
  • Please note that it’s very important to run the tests from the Tests/Packet++Test directory (using Bin/Packet++Test) because the test-cases are using packet examples that reside in Tests/Packet++Test/PacketExamples and are assuming the running directory is Tests/Packet++Test

Some more technical details

  • The folder structure of Packet++Test is as follows (showing only relevant folders):
    |- Bin/
    |- PacketExamples/
    |- Tests/
       |- BgpTests.cpp
       |- DhcpTests.cpp
       |- DnsTests.cpp
       |- ...
       |- ...
    |- Utils/
    |- main.cpp
    |- Makefile
    |- TestDefinition.h
    |- ...
    |- ...

    The test-cases are gathered under the Tests/ folder. Each file in this folder contains a few test-cases which belong to a specific protocol or subject.

    The PacketExamples/ folder contains packet examples used by the various test-cases.

    Bin/ contains the executable.

    Utils/ contains a few methods commonly used by the test-cases.

    TestDefinition.h contains a definition of all the test-cases and main.cpp is in charge of parsing command-line arguments and running the tests.

  • Each test-case resides in one of the .cpp files under Packet++Test/Tests/ and has the following definition:


    In addition this test needs to be declared in Packet++Test/TestDefinition.h:

    // Implemented in GtpTests.cpp
  • In addition to the functional tests described in each test-case there is also a memory leak test that is being performed for each test-case separately. The MemPlumber library is being used to detect memory leaks. If a memory leak is detected the test-case will fail with an appropriate assert message

  • Each test-case has one or more tags assigned to it. The tags are defined when calling each test-case in Packet++Test/main.cpp. For example: PTF_RUN_TEST(EthPacketCreation, "eth") has the tag “eth” assigned to it, while PTF_RUN_TEST(SipResponseLayerCreationTest, "sip") has the “sip” tag assigned to it. In addition there is a default tag assigned to each test-case which is its name. This mechanism allows running specific tests instead of always running all of them. There is a command-line switch -t or --tags which enables running only tests that are assigned to specific tags. You should provide it a list of tags (one or more) separated by a semicolon and surrounded by quotes.

    For example, the following command will run only tests that have the “eth” tag assigned to them:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/Packet++Test$ Bin/Packet++Test -t "eth"
    PcapPlusPlus version: v21.05 (official release)
    Built: MMM DD YYYY 03:19:34
    Built from: Git branch 'master', commit '8b2d721fdaaa6af516494d96f032e10264d7bf56'
    Start running tests...
    EthPacketCreation             : PASSED
    EthPacketPointerCreation      : PASSED
    EthAndArpPacketParsing        : PASSED
    EthDot3LayerParsingTest       : PASSED
    EthDot3LayerCreateEditTest    : PASSED
    Test cases: 92, Passed: 5, Failed: 0, Skipped: 87

    As you can see 5 test-cases matched the eth tag and the rest of them (87) were skipped and are not showing on the report.

    This command will run only test-cases which have “eth” or “ipv6” tags assigned to them:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/Packet++Test$ Bin/Packet++Test -t "eth;ipv6"
    PcapPlusPlus version: v21.05 (official release)
    Built: MMM DD YYYY 03:19:34
    Built from: Git branch 'master', commit '8b2d721fdaaa6af516494d96f032e10264d7bf56'
    Start running tests...
    EthPacketCreation             : PASSED
    EthPacketPointerCreation      : PASSED
    EthAndArpPacketParsing        : PASSED
    EthDot3LayerParsingTest       : PASSED
    EthDot3LayerCreateEditTest    : PASSED
    IPv6UdpPacketParseAndCreate   : PASSED
    IPv6FragmentationTest         : PASSED
    IPv6ExtensionsTest            : PASSED
    Test cases: 92, Passed: 8, Failed: 0, Skipped: 84

    This command will run only the “ArpPacketCreation” test-case:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/Packet++Test$ Bin/Packet++Test -t "ArpPacketCreation"
    PcapPlusPlus version: v21.05 (official release)
    Built: MMM DD YYYY 03:19:34
    Built from: Git branch 'master', commit '8b2d721fdaaa6af516494d96f032e10264d7bf56'
    Start running tests...
    ArpPacketCreation             : PASSED
    Test cases: 92, Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 91
  • Here are all of the command-line switches available for Packet++Test:

    -t, --tags Run only test-cases that match specific tags. The tag list should be separated by semicolons and surrounded by apostrophes, for example: Bin/Packet++Test -t "eth;ipv4;ArpPacketCreation"
    -w, --show-skipped-tests Show tests that are skipped. By default they are hidden in the final report
    -v, --verbose Run in verbose mode which emits more output in several test-cases
    -m, --mem-verbose Output verbose information on all memory allocations and releases done throughout the test-cases. This can be useful to detect memory leaks
    -s, --skip-mem-leak-check Skip memory leak test for all test-cases
    -h, --help Shows a help screen with the available command-line switches


This project contains test-cases that mostly test for the Pcap++ library, meaning testing the functionality of capturing and sending network packets, reading and writing to files, DPDK functionality, PF_RING and more. It also contains tests for massive packet parsing, TCP reassembly and IP de/fragmentation.

After a successful build you can run these test-cases by following these simple steps:

  • Make sure that network traffic is flowing to the device you’re running the tests on. This is important because some of the test-cases assume incoming packets. There is also an option to run only test-cases that don’t rely on live traffic using the -n or --no-networking command-line switch

  • Go to Pcap++Test directory:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus$ cd Tests/Pcap++Test/
  • Run the tests from this directory. The executable is inside the Bin directory. If you’re running with live traffic there is a mandatory command-line switch you need to provide “-i” or “--use-ip” which is the IP address of the interface you’d like the test suite to use for capturing and sending network traffic. Make sure that network traffic is flowing to that interface:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/Pcap++Test$ sudo Bin/Pcap++Test -i
    PcapPlusPlus version: v21.05 (official release)
    Built: MMM DD YYYY 02:36:38
    Git info: Git branch 'master', commit '8b2d721fdaaa6af516494d96f032e10264d7bf56'
    Using ip:
    Debug mode: off
    Start running tests...
    TestIPAddress                 : PASSED
    TestMacAddress                : PASSED
    TestLRUList                   : PASSED
    TestGeneralUtils              : PASSED
    TestGetMacAddress             : PASSED
    TestPcapFileReadWrite         : PASSED
    Test cases: 65, Passed: 50, Failed: 0, Skipped: 15
  • Notice that on Linux and MacOS you might need to run with sudo

  • Hopefully if all test cases pass you’ll see a message at the end saying ALL TESTS PASSED!! and the number of test-cases that passed, skipped or failed. You’ll also see next to each test-case whether it has passed or failed.

  • If a test-case failed you’ll see an appropriate assert message explaining what caused the failure, for example:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/Pcap++Test$ sudo Bin/Pcap++Test -i
    PcapPlusPlus version: v21.05 (official release)
    Built: MMM DD YYYY 02:36:38
    Git info: Git branch 'master', commit '8b2d721fdaaa6af516494d96f032e10264d7bf56'
    Using ip:
    Debug mode: off
    Starting tests...
    Start running tests...
    TestIPAddress                 : PASSED
    TestLRUList                   : PASSED
    TestPcapFileReadWrite         : PASSED
    TestPcapLiveDeviceList        : PASSED
    TestPcapLiveDeviceListSearch  : FAILED. assertion failed: Device used in this test doesnt exist
  • Please note that it’s very important to run the tests from the Tests/Pcap++Test directory (using Bin/Pcap++Test) because the test-cases are using packet examples that reside in Tests/Pcap++Test/PcapExamples and are assuming the running directory is Tests/Pcap++Test

  • If you’re building PcapPlusPlus with DPDK there is an additional mandatory command-line parameter which is “-k” or “--dpdk-port” where you need to provide the DPDK port to use for the tests. This port is simply a number starting from 0, so if you have only one interface assigned to DPDK the port number will be 0. If you have two interfaces assigned to DPDK then you can choose either 0 or 1, and so on. Please make sure there is network traffic flowing to this interface

Some more technical details

  • The folder structure of Pcap++Test is as follows (showing only relevant folders):

    |- Bin/
    |- Common/
    |- PcapExamples/
    |- Tests/
       |- DpdkTests.cpp
       |- FileTests.cpp
       |- FilterTests.cpp
       |- ...
       |- ...
    |- main.cpp
    |- Makefile
    |- TestDefinition.h
    |- ...
    |- ...

    The test-cases are gathered under the Tests/ folder. Each file in this folder contains a few test-cases which belong to a specific subject.

    The PcapExamples/ folder contains pcap files used by the various test-cases.

    Bin/ contains the executable.

    Common/ contains a few methods commonly used by the test-cases.

    TestDefinition.h contains a definition of all the test-cases and main.cpp is in charge of parsing command-line arguments and running the tests.

  • Each test-case resides in one of the .cpp files under Pcap++Test/Tests/ and has the following definition:


    In addition this test needs to be declared in Pcap++Test/TestDefinition.h:

    // Implemented in GtpTests.cpp
  • In addition to the functional tests described in each test-case there is also a memory leak test that is being performed for each test-case separately. The MemPlumber library is being used to detect memory leaks. If a memory leak is detected the test-case will fail with an appropriate assert message

  • There is a tag mechanism which is similar to the one implemented in Packet++Test. Please refer to the section to learn more about this functionality

  • Here are all of the command-line switches available for Pcap++Test:

    -i, --use-ip IP address to use for sending and receiving packets. It’s a mandatory parameter when running the tests with live network traffic
    -d, --debug-mode Set log level to DEBUG for all test-cases
    -r, --remote-ip IPv4 address of remote machine running rpcapd to test remote capture (currently relevant only for Windows). If not provided then the IPv4 address provided in -i switch will be used
    -p, --remote-port Port of remote machine running rpcapd to test remote capture (currently relevant only for Windows). If not provided the default port is 12321
    -k, --dpdk-port The DPDK NIC port to use. Required only if compiling with DPDK
    -a, --kni-ip IPv4 address for the KNI device test-cases. Relevant only for Linux systems and if compiling with DPDK and KNI. Must not be the same as any of existing network interfaces in your system. If this parameter is omitted KNI tests will be skipped
    -n, --no-networking Do not run tests that requires networking
    -t, --tags Run only test-cases that match specific tags. The tag list should be separated by semicolons and surrounded by apostrophes, for example: Bin/Pcap++Test -t "live_device;pf_ring;TestDpdkDevice"
    -w, --show-skipped-tests Show tests that are skipped. By default they are hidden in the final report
    -v, --verbose Run in verbose mode which emits more output in several test-cases
    -m, --mem-verbose Output verbose information on all memory allocations and releases done throughout the test-cases. This can be useful to detect memory leaks
    -s, --skip-mem-leak-check Skip memory leak test for all test-cases
    -t, --tags Run only test-cases that match specific tags. The tag list should be separated by semicolons and surrounded by apostrophes, for example: Bin/Pcap++Test -t "live_device;pf_ring;TestDpdkDevice"
    -h, --help Shows a help screen with the available command-line switches


This project is quite different and unique from the other two in various ways:

  • It doesn’t test any parts of the PcapPlusPlus library but rather the example apps that are provided with the library
  • It doesn’t test the apps code but rather runs them as executables and inspects their output (stdout, generated files, etc.)
  • This project isn’t written in C++ but rather in Python. The reason is that Python is much more “user-friendly” when it comes to running executables and inspect their output; its file and string manipulation options are much more comprehensive and advanced. You can write very little code and achieve a lot. Python also has great testing frameworks that come out-of-the-box. It is the obvious choice for these kind of tasks

Because this project is written in Python it has different requirements and setup/run procedures. First we’ll go over the requirements, then we’ll dive into the setup and finally we’ll show how to run the tests and explore the command-line options available.


  • This project requires Python 3.7 or newer. It won’t run on Python 2.7.x
  • It has dependencies on other Python libraries described in requirements.txt. In the next section we’ll go into the details of how to install them


This section describes the steps to get to a working setup:

  • Make sure you have Python 3.7 or newer. You can check the version using the -V command line option:

    seladb@seladb:~$ python3 -V
    Python 3.8.2
  • Go into the ExamplesTest directory:

    seladb@seladb:~$ cd PcapPlusPlus/Tests/ExamplesTest
  • If you’d like to use venv/virtualenv (which is usually recommended in Python) create the virtual environment and activate it:

    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/ExamplesTest$ python3 -m venv venv
    seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/ExamplesTest$ source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) seladbseladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/ExamplesTest$ 
  • Install the dependencies described in requirements.txt:

    (venv) seladb@seladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/ExamplesTest$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Since this test suite simply runs the app executables make sure you have a working build of PcapPlusPlus and that the executables are under [PcapPlusPlus-Home]/Dist/examples

Running the tests

Once you have a working setup running the tests is pretty easy:

(venv) seladbseladb:~/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/ExamplesTest$ python3 -m pytest

Here is the output you might see:

============== test session starts ===============
platform linux -- Python 3.8.2, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/seladb/PcapPlusPlus/Tests/ExamplesTest, inifile: pytest.ini
collected 57 items                               

tests/ ss.s                  [  7%]
tests/ x..s             [ 14%]
tests/ ...             [ 19%]
tests/ ......          [ 29%]
tests/ .......           [ 42%]
tests/ ....             [ 49%]
tests/ ........          [ 63%]
tests/ ............... [ 89%]
tests/ ..               [ 92%]
tests/ ....           [100%]

=== 52 passed, 4 skipped, 1 xfailed in 16.06s ====

This output shows how many test-cases passed, how many failed and how many were skipped or xfailed.

This project uses pytest which is one of the most popular test frameworks for Python. It has many features and options that will not be covered in this guide, but here are the options that are most relevant for this project:

--use-sudo Some of the tests rely on live network traffic and need access to a network interface. On Linux and MacOS this may require sudo privileges. If this flag is set the test-cases will use sudo to run the relevant executables. If sudo is required and this flag is not set these tests may fail
--interface [interface-ip] Required only for tests who rely on live network traffic and need the network interface IP address to use. If this parameter is not provided these tests will be skipped
--gateway [gateway_ip] A small set of tests need the default gateway IP address. If this parameter is not provided these tests will be skipped
-m [marker] pytest has this concept of markers which is like tagging tests with metadata. This project uses it to tag test-cases by app or those who need/don’t need network traffic. The markers relevant to this project are described in the next table
--markers Show a list of all the markers available (not all of them are specific to this project)
--help Show all of pytest command-line options

Here are the markers that are relevant to this project:

-m no_network Run only test-cases that don’t require live network traffic. This is very useful for environments where live traffic is not available or if you prefer to run tests that don’t interact with the network. The test-cases which require network traffic will be skipped
-m pcapprinter Run only test-cases for PcapPrinter
-m ipdefragutil Run only test-cases for IPDefragUtil
-m ipfragutil Run only test-cases for IPFragUtil
-m dnsresolver Run only test-cases for DNSResolver
-m tcpreassembly Run only test-cases for TcpReassembly
-m httpanalyzer Run only test-cases for HttpAnalyzer
-m sslanalyzer Run only test-cases for SSLAnalyzer
-m pcapsearch Run only test-cases for PcapSearch
-m arping Run only test-cases for Arping
-m pcapsplitter Run only test-cases for PcapSplitter