Welcome to the PcapPlusPlus community

PcapPlusPlus is open source and we would love to hear from you! Below you’ll find ways to contact us and get involved in the community as well as links to resources that can help answer your questions.

Table of contents

  1. Contact Us
  2. Support Us
  3. Contribute
    1. Report an issue
    2. Code contributions

Contact Us

There are multiple ways to contact us. Please feel free to reach out for any issue, question, suggestion or feedback you might have.

drawing Open an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/seladb/PcapPlusPlus/issues
drawing PcapPlusPlus Google Group: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/pcapplusplus-support
drawing Ask a question on Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/pcapplusplus
drawing Send an email to pcapplusplus@gmail.com
drawing Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/seladb

Support Us

Thank you for using PcapPlusPlus! If you’d like to support us you can do it in various ways:

  • Star Give us a star on GitHub, that helps ⭐⭐!

  • Spread the word about PcapPlusPlus in the social media, articles, web-sites or anywhere you can
  • If you’re ready to share your use-case please contact us. We’re planning to create a showcase page and we’ll be more than happy to include yours


Thank you for your interest in contributing to PcapPlusPlus! There are multiple ways and places you can contribute, and we’re here to help facilitate that.

Report an issue

If you have found an issue in PcapPlusPlus please don’t hesitate to reach out. The best way to open an issue is through the GitHub page but you can also report issues by email or in the PcapPlusPlus Google Group.

When filing your issue please make sure you provide a reproducible test case. Please also provide as much information about your environment as possible. We never know what information will be pertinent when trying narrow down the issue. Please include at least the following information:

  • The version you’re trying to run (a released version or the latest from master)
  • Platform you’re running on (MacOS, Linux, Windows, Android, FreeBSD + OS version)
  • Architecture you’re running on (32bit or 64bit)
  • If working with libpcap, DPDK or PF_RING please specify the version you’re using
  • If working with DPDK, please make sure you can not reproduce the issue a clean DPDK version, meaning a version without PcapPlusPlus
  • If you can provide a pcap file or anything else that will help us to reproduce the bug / verify the fix, please do so

If you already looked at the code and found the root cause - that’s great! You can either create a GitHub pull request or point us to the exact place in the code where you think the bug is.

Code contributions

If you’d like to fix bugs or add a new feature to PcapPlusPlus, please make sure to read the CONTRIBUTING document. This document should provide you with all the necessary information on how to create the pull request, what it should include and how the review process works.