Build From Source for Android

Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Configuration
  3. Build the code
  4. Do I need a rooted device in order to use PcapPlusPlus in my Android app?
  5. Using PcapPlusPlus in my app


In order to build PcapPlusPlus for Android please make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. A Linux machine - building on other platforms is currently not supported
  2. You should have Android NDK installed
  3. Pre-compiled libpcap library for Android + header files which can be downloaded from the libpcap-android GitHub repo (for Android API versions 21-30)


Run the configuration script from PcapPlusPlus main directory:


This script accepts the following arguments:

Argument Is mandatory / default value Description
--ndk-path Mandatory The path of Android NDK, for example: /opt/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.0.7026061
--target Mandatory Target architecture which accepts the following values: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
--api Optional. Default value is 29 Android API level. Must be between 21 and 30
--libpcap-include-dir Mandatory libpcap header files directory. Can be downloaded from the libpcap-android GitHub repo
--libpcap-lib-dir Mandatory libpcap pre-compiled libs directory. Can be downloaded from the libpcap-android GitHub repo for all 4 targets and API versions 21-30

Here is an example output:

seladb@ubunu2004:~/PcapPlusPlus$ ./ --ndk-path /opt/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.0.7026061 --target arm64-v8a --api 29 --libpcap-include-dir ~/libpcap-android/include --libpcap-lib-dir ~/libpcap-android/arm64-v8a/29

PcapPlusPlus Android configuration script 

PcapPlusPlus configuration is complete. Files created (or modified): mk/, mk/

Build the code

After running the config script, you’re can safely build the code:

  1. Run make libs to build PcapPlusPlus libraries only (which is the common use-case for Android) or make all to build everything including the unit-tests and examples
  2. After a successful build you can find the libraries, header files, example executables (if built) and helpful makefiles under the Dist directory
  3. Please notice that in order to run PcapPlusPlus examples on an Android device you need shell access, and for some of them you also need a rooted device

Do I need a rooted device in order to use PcapPlusPlus in my Android app?

Not at all! Please follow this link

Using PcapPlusPlus in my app

Please follow this link