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Version: v23.09

Build From Source on Linux


In order to compile PcapPlusPlus on Linux please make sure you have the following components installed:

  1. libpcap developers pack - contains the libpcap library PcapPlusPlus is linking with and relevant the header files. You can download it from or through the standard Linux package managers such as apt-get or yum:

    sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev


    sudo yum install libpcap-devel
  2. OPTIONAL - download and install Zstd if you wish to enable PCAPNG streaming compression support


Assuming you want to build PcapPlusPlus into a build directory:

cmake -S . -B build

And then initiate the build in one of two ways:

  • Using CMake:
    cmake --build build
  • Using make:
    cd build

This process will build the following artifacts:

  • PcapPlusPlus libs:
    • build/Common++/libCommon++.a
    • build/Packet++/libPacket++.a
    • build/Pcap++/libPcap++.a
  • PcapPlusPlus examples binaries under build/examples_bin
  • PcapPlusPlus tests:
    • <PcapPlusPlus_Dir>/Tests/Packet++Test/Bin/Packet++Test
    • <PcapPlusPlus_Dir>/Tests/Pcap++Test/Bin/Pcap++Test

The following configuration options are available (on top of CMake's built-in options):

-DPCAPPP_BUILD_EXAMPLES=<ON/OFF>Build PcapPlusPlus examples (default value is ON if building the project itself, otherwise OFF)
-DPCAPPP_BUILD_TESTS=<ON/OFF>Build PcapPlusPlus tests (default value is ON if building the project itself, otherwise OFF)
-DPCAPPP_BUILD_TUTORIALS=<ON/OFF>Build PcapPlusPlus tutorials. This option is only available if DPCAPPP_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON. The tutorials binaries will be under build/tutorials_bin (default value is OFF)
-DPCAPPP_INSTALL=<ON/OFF>Install PcapPlusPlus (default value is ON if building the project itself, otherwise OFF)
-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=<ON/OFF>Build shared libs (default value is OFF)
-DLIGHT_PCAPNG_ZSTD=<ON/OFF>Build with Zstd to enable PCAPNG streaming compression support (default value is OFF)
-DPCAPPP_ENABLE_PCAP_IMMEDIATE_MODE=<ON/OFF>Enable pcap immediate mode (default value is OFF)
-DPCAPPP_ENABLE_PCAP_SET_DIRECTION=<ON/OFF>Enable set direction for capturing incoming or outgoing packets (default value is OFF)
-DPCAPPP_USE_DPDK=<ON/OFF>Setup PcapPlusPlus with DPDK (default value is OFF). When this option is used CMake will look for an installed version of DPDK on the build machine (usually under /usr/local). If DPDK is installed in a different directory please use -DDPDK_ROOT
-DDPDK_ROOT=<DIR>When setting up PcapPlusPlus with DPDK and DPDK is not installed in the defualt directory (usually under /usr/local) use this option to indicate DPDK installation directory
-DPCAPPP_USE_PF_RING=<ON/OFF>Setup PcapPlusplus with PF_RING (default value is OFF). When this option is used CMake will look for an installed version of PF_RING on the build machine (usually under /usr/local). If PF_RING is not installed please use -DPF_RING_ROOT
-DPF_RING_ROOT=<DIR>When setting up PcapPlusPlus with PF_RING and PF_RING is not installed on the machine use this option to indicate the PF_RING directory (for example /PF_RING)


After the build is complete you can run the installation script which will copy the libraries, header files and examples into the installation directories:

sudo cmake --install .

If you want to install on a non-default directory you can use this command:

DESTDIR=<DIR> cmake --install build --prefix "/"

Running tests

PcapPlusPlus contains a set of test-cases you can run to make sure that everything works correctly on your system. This guide contains detailed instructions on how to run them.

Cross-compilation or build for different architectures

CMake supports cross compilation out-of-the-box so there is no need for any additional support in PcapPlusPlus.

Please refer to this page that provides information on how to cross compile with CMake: