Enumerator |
Success | Indicates that the associated operation completed successfully
OperationsError | Indicates that there was a problem with the client’s use of the LDAP protocol
ProtocolError | Indicates that there was a problem with the client’s use of the LDAP protocol
TimeLimitExceeded | Indicates that the associated operation failed because it hadn’t completed by the time a maximum processing time limit had been reached
SizeLimitExceeded | Indicates that the associated search operation failed because the server has determined that the number of entries that would be returned in response to the search would exceed the upper bound for that operation
CompareFalse | Indicates that the associated compare request targeted an entry that exists and that contains the targeted attribute, but does not have any value that matches the provided assertion value
CompareTrue | Indicates that the associated compare request targeted an entry that exists and that contains the targeted attribute with a value that matches the provided assertion value
AuthMethodNotSupported | Indicates that the associated bind operation failed because the client attempted to authenticate with a mechanism that the server does not support or that it does not allow the client to use
StrongerAuthRequired | Indicates that the server requires the client to authenticate with a stronger form of authentication
Referral | Indicates that the request cannot be processed exactly as issued, but that it might succeed if re-issued to a different server, or is updated to target a different location in the DIT
AdminLimitExceeded | Indicates that some administrative limit within the server was exceeded while processing the request
UnavailableCriticalExtension | Indicates that the request includes a control with a criticality of true, but that control could not be honored for some reason
ConfidentialityRequired | Indicates that the server is only willing to process the requested operation if it is received over a secure connection that does not allow an eavesdropper to decipher or alter the contents of the request or response
SaslBindInProgress | Indicates that the server has completed a portion of the processing for the provided SASL bind request, but that it needs additional information from the client to complete the authentication
NoSuchAttribute | Indicates that the request targeted an attribute that does not exist in the specified entry
UndefinedAttributeType | Indicates that the request attempted to provide one or more values for an attribute type that is not defined in the server schema
InappropriateMatching | Indicates that the search request tried to perform some type of matching that is not supported for the target attribute type
ConstraintViolation | Indicates that the requested operation would have resulted in an entry that violates some constraint defined within the server
AttributeOrValueExists | Indicates that the requested operation would have resulted in an attribute in which the same value appeared more than once
InvalidAttributeSyntax | Indicates that the requested add or modify operation would have resulted in an entry that had at least one attribute value that does not conform to the constraints of the associated attribute syntax
NoSuchObject | Indicates that the requested operation targeted an entry that does not exist within the DIT
AliasProblem | Indicates that a problem occurred while attempting to dereference an alias during search processing
InvalidDNSyntax | Indicates that the request included a malformed entry DN
AliasDereferencingProblem | Indicates that the server encountered an alias while processing the request and that there was some problem related to that alias
InappropriateAuthentication | Indicates that the client attempted to bind in an inappropriate manner that is inappropriate for the target account
InvalidCredentials | Indicates that the client attempted to bind with a set of credentials that cannot be used to authenticate
InsufficientAccessRights | Indicates that the client requested an operation for which it does not have the necessary access control permissions
Busy | Indicates that the requested operation cannot be processed because the server is currently too busy
Unavailable | Indicates that the server is currently not available to process the requested operation
UnwillingToPerform | Indicates that the server is not willing to process the requested operation for some reason
LoopDetect | Indicates that the server detected some kind of circular reference in the course of processing an operation
NamingViolation | Indicates that the requested add or modify DN operation would have resulted in an entry that violates some naming constraint within the server
ObjectClassViolation | Indicates that the requested operation would have resulted in an entry that has an inappropriate set of object classes, or whose attributes violate the constraints associated with its set of object classes
NotAllowedOnNonLeaf | Indicates that the requested operation is only supported for leaf entries, but the targeted entry has one or more subordinates
NotAllowedOnRDN | Indicates that the requested modify operation would have resulted in an entry that does not include all of the attributes used in its RDN
EntryAlreadyExists | Indicates that the requested operation would have resulted in an entry with the same DN as an entry that already exists in the server
ObjectClassModsProhibited | Indicates that the requested modify operation would have altered the target entry’s set of object classes in a way that is not supported
AffectsMultipleDSAs | Indicates that the requested operation would have required manipulating information in multiple servers in a way that is not supported
Other | Used when a problem occurs for which none of the other result codes is more appropriate
Unknown | Unknown result code