PcapPlusPlus  22.05
pcpp::SSLLayer Class Reference

#include <SSLLayer.h>

Inheritance diagram for pcpp::SSLLayer:
pcpp::Layer pcpp::IDataContainer pcpp::SSLAlertLayer pcpp::SSLApplicationDataLayer pcpp::SSLChangeCipherSpecLayer pcpp::SSLHandshakeLayer

Public Member Functions

ssl_tls_record_layergetRecordLayer () const
SSLVersion getRecordVersion () const
SSLRecordType getRecordType () const
size_t getHeaderLen () const
void parseNextLayer ()
OsiModelLayer getOsiModelLayer () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from pcpp::Layer
virtual ~Layer ()
LayergetNextLayer () const
LayergetPrevLayer () const
ProtocolType getProtocol () const
uint8_t * getData () const
size_t getDataLen () const
uint8_t * getLayerPayload () const
size_t getLayerPayloadSize () const
bool isAllocatedToPacket () const
void copyData (uint8_t *toArr) const
uint8_t * getDataPtr (size_t offset=0) const
virtual void computeCalculateFields ()=0
virtual std::string toString () const =0

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isSSLPort (uint16_t port)
static bool IsSSLMessage (uint16_t srcPort, uint16_t dstPort, uint8_t *data, size_t dataLen, bool ignorePorts=false)
static SSLLayercreateSSLMessage (uint8_t *data, size_t dataLen, Layer *prevLayer, Packet *packet)

Detailed Description

The base class for the 4 record type classes. Each record type is represented as a layer. See SSLLayer.h for detailed explanation of the TLS/SSL protocol support in PcapPlusPlus. This class provides the common functionality used by all record types and also contains static methods for identifying an creating SSL/TLS record type layers

Member Function Documentation

◆ createSSLMessage()

static SSLLayer* pcpp::SSLLayer::createSSLMessage ( uint8_t *  data,
size_t  dataLen,
Layer prevLayer,
Packet packet 

A static method that creates SSL/TLS layers by raw data. This method parses the raw data, finds if and which SSL/TLS record it is and creates the corresponding record layer. It's the responsibility of the user to free the created object when done using it

[in]dataA pointer to the raw data
[in]dataLenSize of the data in bytes
[in]prevLayerA pointer to the previous layer
[in]packetA pointer to the Packet instance where layer will be stored in
A pointer to the newly created record layer. If no SSL/TLS record could be identified from the raw data NULL is returned

◆ getHeaderLen()

size_t pcpp::SSLLayer::getHeaderLen ( ) const
The record size as extracted from the record data (in ssl_tls_record_layer::length)

Implements pcpp::Layer.

◆ getOsiModelLayer()

OsiModelLayer pcpp::SSLLayer::getOsiModelLayer ( ) const
The OSI Model layer this protocol belongs to

Implements pcpp::Layer.

◆ getRecordLayer()

ssl_tls_record_layer* pcpp::SSLLayer::getRecordLayer ( ) const

Get a pointer to the record header. Notice this points directly to the data, so every change will change the actual packet data

A pointer to the ssl_tls_record_layer

◆ getRecordType()

SSLRecordType pcpp::SSLLayer::getRecordType ( ) const
The SSL/TLS record type as parsed from the record

◆ getRecordVersion()

SSLVersion pcpp::SSLLayer::getRecordVersion ( ) const
The SSL/TLS version used in this record (parsed from the record)

◆ IsSSLMessage()

static bool pcpp::SSLLayer::IsSSLMessage ( uint16_t  srcPort,
uint16_t  dstPort,
uint8_t *  data,
size_t  dataLen,
bool  ignorePorts = false 

A static methods that gets raw data of a layer and checks whether this data is a SSL/TLS record or not. This check is done using the source/dest port and matching of a legal record type in the raw data. The list of ports identified as SSL/TLS is hard-coded and includes the following ports:

  • Port 443 [HTTPS]
  • Port 261 [NSIIOPS]
  • Port 448 [DDM-SSL]
  • Port 563 [NNTPS]
  • Port 614 [SSHELL]
  • Port 465 [SMTPS]
  • Port 636 [LDAPS]
  • Port 989 [FTPS - data]
  • Port 990 [FTPS - control]
  • Port 992 [Telnet over TLS/SSL]
  • Port 993 [IMAPS]
  • Port 994 [IRCS]
  • Port 995 [POP3S]
    [in]srcPortThe source port of the packet that contains the raw data. Source port (or dest port) are a criteria to identify SSL/TLS packets
    [in]dstPortThe dest port of the packet that contains the raw data. Dest port (or source port) are a criteria to identify SSL/TLS packets
    [in]dataThe data to check
    [in]dataLenLength (in bytes) of the data
    [in]ignorePortsSSL/TLS ports are only relevant for parsing the first SSL/TLS message, but are not relevant for parsing subsequent messages. This parameter can be set to "true" to skip SSL/TLS ports check. This is an optional parameter and its default is "false"

◆ isSSLPort()

bool pcpp::SSLLayer::isSSLPort ( uint16_t  port)

A static method that checks whether the port is considered as SSL/TLS

[in]portThe port number to be checked

◆ parseNextLayer()

void pcpp::SSLLayer::parseNextLayer ( )

Several SSL/TLS records can reside in a single packets. So this method checks the remaining data and if it's identified as SSL/TLS it creates another SSL/TLS record layer as the next layer

Implements pcpp::Layer.