PcapPlusPlus is a A multiplatform C++ library for capturing, parsing and crafting of network packets. It is designed to be efficient, powerful and easy to use.
Please refer to PcapPlusPlus web-site for more information.
API Reference
Packet capturing engines (Pcap++):
Capture file wrappers (Pcap++):
Packet parsing and manipulation (Packet++):
Supported protocols (Packet++):
- pcpp::EthLayer, EthLayer.h - Ethernet protocol
- pcpp::SllLayer, SllLayer.h - SLL protocol (Linux cooked capture)
- pcpp::NullLoopbackLayer, NullLoopbackLayer.h - Null/Loopback
- pcpp::PacketTrailerLayer, PacketTrailerLayer.h - packet trailer (a.k.a footer or padding)
- pcpp::ArpLayer, ArpLayer.h - ARP protocol
- pcpp::VlanLayer, VlanLayer.h - VLAN protocol
- pcpp::VxlanLayer, VxlanLayer.h - VXLAN protocol
- pcpp::MplsLayer, MplsLayer.h - MPLS protocol
- pcpp::PPPoESessionLayer, pcpp::PPPoEDiscoveryLayer, PPPoELayer.h - PPPoE protocol
- pcpp::GREv0Layer, pcpp::GREv1Layer, pcpp::PPP_PPTPLayer, GreLayer.h - GRE and PPTP protocol
- pcpp::IPv4Layer, IPv4Layer.h - IPv4 protocol
- pcpp::IPv6Layer, IPv6Layer.h - IPv6 protocol
- pcpp::TcpLayer, TcpLayer.h - TCP protocol
- pcpp::UdpLayer, UdpLayer.h - UDP protocol
- pcpp::GtpV1Layer, GtpLayer.h - GTP (v1) protocol
- pcpp::IcmpLayer, IcmpLayer.h - ICMP protocol
- pcpp::IgmpLayer, IgmpLayer.h - IGMP protocol
- pcpp::SipRequestLayer, SipLayer.h - SIP request protocol
- pcpp::SipResponseLayer, SipLayer.h - SIP response protocol
- pcpp::SdpLayer, SdpLayer.h - SDP protocol
- pcpp::RadiusLayer, RadiusLayer.h - RADIUS protocol
- pcpp::DnsLayer, DnsLayer.h - DNS protocol
- pcpp::DhcpLayer, DhcpLayer.h - DHCP protocol
- pcpp::HttpRequestLayer, HttpLayer.h - HTTP request protocol
- pcpp::HttpResponseLayer, HttpLayer.h - HTTP response protocol
- pcpp::SSLLayer, SSLLayer.h - SSL/TLS protocol - parsing only (no editing capabilities)
- pcpp::PayloadLayer, PayloadLayer.h - unknown layer or payload
Common utilities and infrastructure (Common++, Packet++, Pcap++):